วันพุธที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Ab Machines Reviews - Ab Circle Pro Vs Abs Coaster Pro - Which machine Burns Belly Fat Faster?

Many consumers do not have the time to go to the gym every day. They always look for ab machines to workout at home. So now you have some options offered online. One of these is Ab Circle Pro and someone else one is Abs Coaster Pro. Now which is a good buy - Ab Circle or Abs Coaster?

Let us study it through some simple points:

Pro Fitness Exercise Systems

* The ab machines often need a lot of space. Ab Coaster does want a lot of space. But Ab Circle Pro is made out of gym quality steel that can be folded and kept in a closet comfortably.

* Comparing the prices of the two, circle pro is a good choice as it is quite affordable. It costs even less than $ 200. As compared to this, coaster is literally very expensive.

* The circle pro is also available for a free trial for 30 days. This costs merely $ 14.95. For this you should pace the order on the company's legal website.

* Both these machines help you lose weight but circle pro is quite fast. Its results are illustrated in a few days only. Most of the users of this stock description that they have lost 10 lbs. In just 14 days.

* It burns the belly fat by just investing 25 to 30 minutes on the circle pro. All other ab machines need at least 45 minutes workouts daily.

* The circle one helps you work the sides of the waist as well due to its patented friction free tracks.

* Unlike the coaster pro, this ab machine helps you work out in all the postures that you can think of.

* The ab circle helps you lose weight in the tough & focus areas like hips, legs, thighs, lower abdomen, etc.

Ab Machines Reviews - Ab Circle Pro Vs Abs Coaster Pro - Which machine Burns Belly Fat Faster?

